“We already ferment our grass and lucerne to make silage and we know that works, so why not do it with our muck too?”
Bokashi is a Japanese name for well femented organic matter . Organic matter is one of the most important aspects of our soil ecosystem and is the engine room that drives a fully functional and beneficial soil microbiome.
The benefits of using our FYM bokashi system are:
- Your FYM is ready to spread in 8 weeks
- It will decompose in approx. 3 weeks
- It retains nutrients within the heap
- Bokashi promots a healthy soil ecosystem (microbiome)
- For every ton of bokashi you spread you replace 40-50kg of bagged fertiliser
Read more about how Guy & Peter improved the efficiency of their farmyard manure using the Bokashi System.
If you any questions about Bokashi or any of our other products please get in touch.
Mal Hughes
e: mal@brilliantreddev.co.uk
This article originally featured in Farm Week 31 December 2021