Agriculture Experts

EM Silage Additive

A completely natural silage additive enabling quick preservation, better silage stability, and a more digestible, nutritional feed.  The micro-organisms included are 2 types of lactic acid bacteria and yeast, which accelerate a decline in pH and produce a number of bio-active substance

Effective Micro-Organisms Silage Additive

A completely natural silage additive enabling quick preservation, better silage stability, and a more digestible, nutritional feed.  The micro-organisms included are 2 types of lactic acid bacteria and yeast, which accelerate a decline in pH and produce a number of bio-active substance

Extensive research has proven the effects of EM-Silage on the rumen fermentation of dairy cows.

The in-vitro study showed a significant increase in the production of propionic acid and a decrease in the production of acetic acid and methane. The change in VFA composition and the reduction of methane are beneficial to both the cow and the environment.


  • More milk from roughage
  • More energy, more milk!
  • Less methane, cleaner environment
  • Fast initial effect, because the product is alive
  • Both Homo- and hetero-fermentative lactic acid bacteria
  • Double action against heating by forming acetic acid and cultivated yeasts
  • Can be kept in the packaging for one year; to use several times
  • Additive for grass, maize, and whole crop



